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Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

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Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von ILMARINEN »


Ich kann nicht auf Deutsch schreiben, ich schreibe Google Translate, bitte verzeihen Sie Fehler
Vor ein paar Monaten habe ich Bonnie gekauft.
Ich möchte das Lenkrad wechseln. Bitte sagen Sie mir, wie das geht. TÜV?

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Beiträge: 3610
Registriert: 5. Sep 2018
Motorrad:: Triumph Bonneville T120 Bj 2016
Moto Guzzi 850 T BJ 1974

Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von Kinghariii »

Hallo Andy,
am besten du schreibst den Jungs hier:

Die haben für Triumph Modelle alles was das Herz begehrt und helfen dir bestimmt gerne weiter. Beim Aufwand des Umbaus kommt es eigentlich meiner Erfahrung nach auf den jeweiligen Lenker an, den du eben verbauen möchtest. Was schwebt dir denn vor?

Gruß, Harald


Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von ILMARINEN »

Hallo Harald

Danke für die Antwort. Ich interessiere mich für das TÜV-Verfahren. Wenn ich ein deutsches Lenkrad vom TÜV kaufe, Ich werde es selbst montieren, Was soll ich als nächstes tun?

Grus, Andy


Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von 7Fifty »

Hello Andy,

I think, it would be better to talk in english, right?

First you mount your steering wheel onto your bike. After that you visit the technical administration center at your near. You find it in the next bigger city at your near - it's called in german: TÜV.

There will be an engineer. He will verify your steering wheel on your bike in compliance with the papers of this part. The papers of your part called in german: TÜV-Gutachten. He will give you usually an OK and he will fill out an paper with his sign and stamp.

After that you should go to the administration center of vehicles. It's called in german: Strassenverkehrsamt. The officers there will enter a new entry in your vehicle registration document and then you are save during your move at offical street traffic.

I think, so its better for you to understand the german procedure. :wink:

Hope, this helps, Mathias

Beiträge: 3610
Registriert: 5. Sep 2018
Motorrad:: Triumph Bonneville T120 Bj 2016
Moto Guzzi 850 T BJ 1974

Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von Kinghariii »

Isn't it possible for you in Germany to get and mount a handlebar with a certain ABE in which your motorcycle is registered? Always though this would be enough, as long as you keep the ABE with you while riding?

Greets, Harald


Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von 7Fifty »

At present time, its very rare to get a handlebar included an ABE. Btw @Andy: An ABE, in german: Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis, is an "free ticket" to use any technical part of your bike without offical approval during the TÜV-engineer.

In my humble opinion... Andy speaks about a part with TÜV-Gutachten. In this case it's necessary to accept this part by an TÜV-engineer.

Beiträge: 2780
Registriert: 30. Dez 2014
Motorrad:: HONDA CX 500 C Bauj. 1980
Wohnort: 49448 Lemförde

Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von BerndM »

standard catalogue handle bars will just be supplied with a part certificate. The foreword explains that this handle part is design for
use on motorcycles etc.. Immidiatly after installation the modified motorcycle has to be presented to an authorized expert at an TÜV
station. He will check against mounting instruction enough clearance ( descripted in the part certificate ) to other components of
the motorcycle. Other important aspects are lenght and proper installation of brake lines and throttle cables.
If every aspect is fullfilled an expert certificate will be completed. The contents will be transfered into the motor vehicle regristration
certificate at the administration center of vehicles. Your best option to get both tasks at one place will be Damme. Please check with
TÜV before you show up for the presence of an authorized expert. I fear at damme he will have just limited dates and you have to
confirm a date.



Re: Triumph» Bonnie 2009 SE

Beitrag von ILMARINEN »

Thanks, thanks, thanks ...

Now I understand everything, almost everything.
Next year I need to renew TUV and I will do it with a new handlebar.
lThanks again for your help, this is my first injection motorcycle, so I think I will have more questions.
If anyone of you needed to make simple spare parts, I work on a lathe, milling machine, weld TIG MIG and polish.
I will gladly help you.



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